Category Archives: Movie Reviews

WEIRD MOVIE REVIEW: Motivational Growth

This movie was recommended to me by my friend, Jeffrey. It remained stuck in my head after watching the trailer for over a month. I finally saw the flick recently and thought it would be perfect to kick off my reviews…


The opening credits of thee film are accompanied by crazy infomercials and clips from various channels as the lead character, Ian changes stations. The TV explodes causing Ian’s entire world is shattered and it is revealed he hasn’t left his apartment in six months (which was kind of apparent with the mess in the background). He goes on a long spiel with pseudo-statistics about suicide before trying to mix ammonia and bleach in the bathtub to create gas to commit suicide. He slips trying to close the bathroom’s vent and awakens to a giant blob of talking mold in the corner.

The Mold knows, Jack. The Mold Knows.
– The Mold


It keeps calling him Jack and acts as if it knows everything, which is quite the oxymoron. This is only eight or so minutes into the film and it only gets crazier from there. The rest of the movie goes through a strange shooting of its story. Some scenes are pixelated like retro video games. Sometimes the protagonist’s reality splices into infomercials. Every bite of scum The Mold offers brings him closer to the truth, but drives him further into madness.

After breaking a chimp’s arm, it’s not so hard to break a man’s!
– Box, The Landlord

It’s a crazy and bizarre movie, with a couple sudden twists along the way. Lots of things seem to be intentionally inconsistent and irritating, which is uncomfortably enjoyable. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a weird independent film not riddled with clichés. I wouldn’t run into the streets preaching its gospel exactly, but it was fun and definitely worth the view!

It might get you off the couch…after a couple hours!

4 out of 5 ROACH STARS from me!
