Category Archives: Dead City Radio

The Collaboration of Kurt Cobain & Burroughs

Recently, the new Kurt Cobain documentary (MONTAGE OF HECK) hit HBO and I had the opportunity to watch it. It’s an well-made documentary, unlike any other. It’s a collage of animated biopics narrated by recordings of Kurt reading his own writing, art he made as a child, and all the way up to the original notebook Nirvana songs were written into. Some parts were tough to watch, but were great for its honesty in his more strung out days. One of the most interesting things the documentary doesn’t touch on is when he collaborated with William S. Burroughs to accompany one of his stories. The guitar in the background is as haunting as you’d expect it to be…


Joseph Whiteford’s Strange Children Stories

Joseph Whiteford is an incredible artist and musician. I stalk everything he does. I interviewed him once at a previous publication. A couple Youtube treats I often revisit are these children’s books turned into songs by Harley Poe and accompanied by the original illustrations of Joseph Whiteford. I would love to see these illustrations become real children’s books one day, but the music made for them even more wonderful in their own right…

1. Herschell Goes to Heaven

2. Lewis was an Odd Boy